The ICT community in Redbridge enjoyed a wide range of talks from companies such as Dell, Joskos Solutions, Computertalk and Spiceworks. Delegates also got the opportunity to meet and engage with colleagues from the LA, the LGFL and Atomwide and to hear all about the latest online services available. Mobile devices were a hot topic with workshops on iPad deployment, Windows 8 devices and a range of primary Apps discussed. Most importantly everyone got the opportunity to network and meet colleagues from other local schools, many of whom are doing innovative things: Computing and Laptops and iPads and Learning Platforms and Games Based Learning and Touch Screens and Video Conferencing and...
Many schools are engaged in networking activities with each other outside these termly meetings. To find out more about these clusters please feel free to follow the following links:
- Redbridge Games Network
- Fronter Champion School
- Computing at Schools Hub (next meeting 27th Feb)
- Redbridge Video Conferencing network
Alex Rees, @alxr1
If you want a summary of my talk on iPads it is here